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Class geo.Bounds

Defined in: extensions.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
geo.Bounds(swOrBounds, ne)
Create a new bounds object from the given parameters.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
The bounds' minimum altitude.
Gets the center of the bounds.
Returns whether or not the given point is inside the bounds.
Returns whether or not the bounds intersect the antimeridian.
The bounds' east coordinate.
Extends the bounds object by the given point, if the bounds don't already contain the point.
Returns whether or not the bounds have an altitude component.
Determines whether or not the bounds object is empty, i.e.
Determines whether or not the bounds occupy the entire latitudinal range.
Determines whether or not the bounds occupy the entire longitudinal range.
The bounds' north coordinate.
The bounds' northeast, top coordinate.
The bounds' south coordinate.
The bounds' southwest, bottom coordinate.
Returns the bounds' latitude, longitude, and altitude span as an object literal.
The bounds' maximum altitude.
The bounds' west coordinate.
Class Detail
geo.Bounds(swOrBounds, ne)
Create a new bounds object from the given parameters.
{geo.Bounds|geo.Point} swOrBounds Optional
Either an existing bounds object to copy, or the southwest, bottom coordinate of the new bounds object.
{geo.Point} ne Optional
The northeast, top coordinate of the new bounds object.
Method Detail
{Number} bottom()
The bounds' minimum altitude.

{geo.Point} center()
Gets the center of the bounds.

{Boolean} containsPoint(point)
Returns whether or not the given point is inside the bounds.
{geo.Point} point
The point to test.

{Boolean} crossesAntimeridian()
Returns whether or not the bounds intersect the antimeridian.

{Number} east()
The bounds' east coordinate.

Extends the bounds object by the given point, if the bounds don't already contain the point. Longitudinally, the bounds will be extended either east or west, whichever results in a smaller longitudinal span.
{geo.Point} point
The point to extend the bounds by.

{Boolean} is3D()
Returns whether or not the bounds have an altitude component.

{Boolean} isEmpty()
Determines whether or not the bounds object is empty, i.e. whether or not it has no known associated points.

{Boolean} isFullLat()
Determines whether or not the bounds occupy the entire latitudinal range.

{Boolean} isFullLng()
Determines whether or not the bounds occupy the entire longitudinal range.

{Number} north()
The bounds' north coordinate.

{geo.Point} northEastTop()
The bounds' northeast, top coordinate.

{Number} south()
The bounds' south coordinate.

{geo.Point} southWestBottom()
The bounds' southwest, bottom coordinate.

{Object} span()
Returns the bounds' latitude, longitude, and altitude span as an object literal.
{Object} Returns an object literal containing `lat`, `lng`, and `altitude` properties. Altitude will be null in the case that the bounds aren't 3D.

{Number} top()
The bounds' maximum altitude.

{Number} west()
The bounds' west coordinate.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Tue Oct 30 2012 11:34:31 GMT-0700 (PDT)