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Namespace GEarthExtensions#math3d

Defined in: extensions.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Contains methods for 3D math, including linear algebra/geo bindings.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Converts heading, tilt, and roll (HTR) to a local orientation matrix that transforms global direction vectors to local direction vectors.
Converts a local orientation matrix (right, dir, up vectors) in local cartesian coordinates to heading, tilt, and roll.
Creates a local orientation matrix that can transform direction vectors local to a given point to global direction vectors.
GEarthExtensions#math3d.makeOrthonormalFrame(dir, up)
Creates an orthonormal orientation matrix for a given set of object direction and up vectors.
Namespace Detail
Contains methods for 3D math, including linear algebra/geo bindings.
Method Detail
<static> {geo.linalg.Matrix} GEarthExtensions#math3d.htrToLocalFrame(htr)
Converts heading, tilt, and roll (HTR) to a local orientation matrix that transforms global direction vectors to local direction vectors.
{Number[]} htr
A heading, tilt, roll array, where each angle is in degrees.
{geo.linalg.Matrix} A local orientation matrix.

<static> {Number[]} GEarthExtensions#math3d.localFrameToHtr(matrix)
Converts a local orientation matrix (right, dir, up vectors) in local cartesian coordinates to heading, tilt, and roll.
{geo.linalg.Matrix} matrix
A local orientation matrix.
{Number[]} A heading, tilt, roll array, where each angle is in degrees.

<static> {geo.linalg.Matrix} GEarthExtensions#math3d.makeLocalToGlobalFrame(point)
Creates a local orientation matrix that can transform direction vectors local to a given point to global direction vectors. The transpose of the returned matrix performs the inverse transformation.
{geo.Point} point
The world point at which local coordinates are to be transformed.
{geo.linalg.Matrix} An orientation matrix that can transform local coordinate vectors to global coordinate vectors.

<static> {geo.linalg.Matrix} GEarthExtensions#math3d.makeOrthonormalFrame(dir, up)
Creates an orthonormal orientation matrix for a given set of object direction and up vectors. The matrix rows will each be unit length and orthogonal to each other. If the dir and up vectors are collinear, this function will fail and return null.
{geo.linalg.Vector} dir
The object direction vector.
{geo.linalg.Vector} up
The object up vector.
{geo.linalg.Matrix} Returns the orthonormal orientation matrix, or null if none is possible.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Tue Oct 30 2012 11:34:31 GMT-0700 (PDT)