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Namespace GEarthExtensions#dom

Defined in: extensions.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Contains DOM builder functions (buildXX) and DOM manipulation/traversal functions.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildCamera(point, options)
Creates a new camera object with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildDocument(children, options)
Creates a new document with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildFolder(children, options)
Creates a new folder with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildGroundOverlay(icon, options)
Creates a new ground overlay with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLinearRing(path, options)
Creates a new linear ring geometry with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLineString(path, options)
Creates a new line string geometry with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLineStringPlacemark(lineString, options)
Convenience method to build a linestring placemark.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLink(href, options)
Creates a new link object with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLookAt(point, options)
Creates a new lookat object with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildModel(link, options)
Creates a new model geometry with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildMultiGeometry(geometries, options)
Creates a new multi-geometry with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildNetworkLink(link, options)
Creates a new network link with the given parameters.
Creates a new placemark with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildPoint(point, options)
Creates a new point geometry with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildPointPlacemark(point, options)
Convenience method to build a point placemark.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildPolygon(polygon, options)
Creates a new polygon geometry with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildPolygonPlacemark(polygon, options)
Convenience method to build a polygon placemark.
Creates a new region with the given parameters.
GEarthExtensions#dom.buildScreenOverlay(icon, options)
Creates a new screen overlay with the given parameters.
Creates a new style with the given parameters.
Removes all top-level features from the Earth object's DOM.
Computes the latitude/longitude bounding box for the given object.
GEarthExtensions#dom.getObjectById(id, options)
Gets the object in the Earth DOM with the given id.
Removes the given object from the Earth object's DOM.
GEarthExtensions#dom.setVec2(vec2, options)
Sets the given KmlVec2 object to the point defined in the options.
Walks a KML object, calling a given visit function for each object in the KML DOM.
Namespace Detail
Contains DOM builder functions (buildXX) and DOM manipulation/traversal functions.
Method Detail
<static> {KmlCamera} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildCamera(point, options)
Creates a new camera object with the given parameters.
{PointSpec} point Optional
The point at which to place the camera.
{Object} options
The parameters of the camera object to create.
{PointSpec} options.point
The point at which to place the camera.
{Boolean} options.copy Optional, Default: false
Whether or not to copy parameters from the existing view if they aren't explicitly specified in the options.
{Number} options.heading Optional
The camera heading/direction.
{Number} options.tilt Optional
The camera tilt.
{Number} options.range Optional
The camera roll.

<static> {KmlDocument} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildDocument(children, options)
Creates a new document with the given parameters.
{KmlFeature[]} children Optional
The children of this document.
{Object} options
The parameters of the document to create.
{String} Optional
The name of the feature.
{Boolean} options.visibility Optional
Whether or not the feature should be visible.
{String} options.description Optional
An HTML description for the feature; may be used as balloon text.
{KmlFeature[]} options.children Optional
The children of this document.

<static> {KmlFolder} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildFolder(children, options)
Creates a new folder with the given parameters.
{KmlFeature[]} children Optional
The children of this folder.
{Object} options
The parameters of the folder to create.
{String} Optional
The name of the feature.
{Boolean} options.visibility Optional
Whether or not the feature should be visible.
{String} options.description Optional
An HTML description for the feature; may be used as balloon text.
{KmlFeature[]} options.children Optional
The children of this folder.

<static> {KmlGroundOverlay} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildGroundOverlay(icon, options)
Creates a new ground overlay with the given parameters.
{String} icon Optional
The URL of the overlay image.
{Object} options
The parameters of the ground overlay to create.
{String} Optional
The name of the feature.
{Boolean} options.visibility Optional
Whether or not the feature should be visible.
{String} options.description Optional
An HTML description for the feature.
{String} options.color Optional
A color to apply on the overlay.
{String} options.icon Optional
The URL of the overlay image.
{Number} options.drawOrder Optional
The drawing order of the overlay; overlays with higher draw orders appear on top of those with lower draw orders.
{Number} options.altitude Optional
The altitude of the ground overlay, in meters.
{KmlAltitudeModeEnum} options.altitudeMode Optional
The altitude mode of the ground overlay.
The bounding box for the overlay.
The north latitude for the overlay.
The east longitude for the overlay.
The south latitude for the overlay.
The west longitude for the overlay.
{Number} Optional
The rotation, in degrees, of the overlay.

<static> {KmlLinearRing} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLinearRing(path, options)
Creates a new linear ring geometry with the given parameters.
{PathOptions|geo.Path|KmlLinearRing} path Optional
The path data. Anything that can be passed to the geo.Path constructor. The first coordinate doesn't need to be repeated at the end.
{Object} options
The parameters of the linear ring to create.
{PathOptions|geo.Path|KmlLinearRing} options.path
The path data. Anything that can be passed to the geo.Path constructor. The first coordinate doesn't need to be repeated at the end.
{KmlAltitudeModeEnum} options.altitudeMode Optional
The altitude mode of the geometry.
{Boolean} options.extrude Optional
Whether or not the geometry should extrude down to the Earth's surface.
{Boolean} options.tessellate Optional
Whether or not the geometry should be tessellated (i.e. contour to the terrain).

<static> {KmlLineString} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLineString(path, options)
Creates a new line string geometry with the given parameters.
{PathOptions|geo.Path|KmlLineString} path Optional
The path data. Anything that can be passed to the geo.Path constructor.
{Object} options
The parameters of the line string to create.
{PathOptions|geo.Path|KmlLineString} options.path
The path data. Anything that can be passed to the geo.Path constructor.
{KmlAltitudeModeEnum} options.altitudeMode Optional
The altitude mode of the geometry.
{Boolean} options.extrude Optional
Whether or not the geometry should extrude down to the Earth's surface.
{Boolean} options.tessellate Optional
Whether or not the geometry should be tessellated (i.e. contour to the terrain).

<static> GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLineStringPlacemark(lineString, options)
Convenience method to build a linestring placemark.
{LineStringOptions|KmlLineString} lineString
The line string geometry.
{Object} options
The parameters of the placemark to create.

<static> {KmlLink} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLink(href, options)
Creates a new link object with the given parameters.
{String} href Optional
The link href.
{Object} options
The link parameters.
{String} options.href Optional
The link href.
{KmlRefreshModeEnum} options.refreshMode Optional
The link refresh mode.
{Number} options.refreshInterval Optional
The link refresh interval, in seconds.
{KmlViewRefreshModeEnum} options.viewRefreshMode Optional
The view-based refresh mode.

<static> {KmlLookAt} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildLookAt(point, options)
Creates a new lookat object with the given parameters.
{PointSpec} point Optional
The point to look at.
{Object} options
The parameters of the lookat object to create.
{PointSpec} options.point
The point to look at.
{Boolean} options.copy Optional, Default: false
Whether or not to copy parameters from the existing view if they aren't explicitly specified in the options.
{Number} options.heading Optional
The lookat heading/direction.
{Number} options.tilt Optional
The lookat tilt.
{Number} options.range Optional
The range of the camera (distance from the lookat point).

<static> {KmlModel} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildModel(link, options)
Creates a new model geometry with the given parameters.
{LinkOptions|KmlLink} link Optional
The remote link this model should use.
{Object} options
The parameters of the model to create.
{LinkOptions|KmlLink} Optional
The remote link this model should use.
{KmlAltitudeModeEnum} options.altitudeMode Optional
The altitude mode of the geometry.
{PointOptions|geo.Point} options.location Optional
The location of the model.
{Number|Number[]} options.scale Optional
The scale factor of the model, either as a constant scale, or a 3-item array for x, y, and z scale.
{Object} options.orientation Optional
The orientation of the model.
{Number} options.orientation.heading Optional
The model heading.
{Number} options.orientation.tilt Optional
The model tilt.
{Number} options.orientation.roll Optional
The model roll.

<static> {KmlMultiGeometry} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildMultiGeometry(geometries, options)
Creates a new multi-geometry with the given parameters.
{KmlGeometry[]} geometries Optional
The child geometries.
{Object} options
The parameters of the multi-geometry to create.
{KmlGeometry[]} options.geometries Optional
The child geometries.

<static> {KmlNetworkLink} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildNetworkLink(link, options)
Creates a new network link with the given parameters.
{LinkOptions} link Optional
An object describing the link to use for this network link.
{Object} options
The parameters of the network link to create.
{String} Optional
The name of the feature.
{Boolean} options.visibility Optional
Whether or not the feature should be visible.
{String} options.description Optional
An HTML description for the feature; may be used as balloon text.
{LinkOptions} Optional
The link to use.
{Boolean} options.flyToView Optional
Whether or not to fly to the default view of the network link'd content.
{Boolean} options.refreshVisibility Optional
Whether or not a refresh should reset the visibility of child features.

<static> {KmlPlacemark} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildPlacemark(options)
Creates a new placemark with the given parameters.
{Object} options
The parameters of the placemark to create.
{String} Optional
The name of the feature.
{Boolean} options.visibility Optional
Whether or not the feature should be visible.
{String} options.description Optional
An HTML description for the feature; may be used as balloon text.
{PointOptions|KmlPoint} options.point Optional
A point geometry to use in the placemark.
{LineStringOptions|KmlLineString} options.lineString Optional
A line string geometry to use in the placemark.
{LinearRingOptions|KmlLinearRing} options.linearRing Optional
A linear ring geometry to use in the placemark.
{PolygonOptions|KmlPolygon} options.polygon Optional
A polygon geometry to use in the placemark.
{ModelOptions|KmlModel} options.model Optional
A model geometry to use in the placemark.
{MultiGeometryOptions|KmlMultiGeometry} options.multiGeometry Optional
A multi-geometry to use in the placemark.
{KmlGeometry[]} options.geometries Optional
An array of geometries to add to the placemark.
{KmlAltitudeModeEnum} options.altitudeMode Optional
A convenience property for the placemark geometry's altitude mode.
{String} options.stockIcon Optional
A convenience property to set the point placemark's icon to a stock icon, e.g. 'paddle/wht-blank'. Stock icons reside under ''.
{StyleOptions|KmlStyleSelector} Optional
The style to use for this placemark. See also GEarthExtensions.dom.buildStyle.
{StyleOptions|KmlStyleSelector} options.highlightStyle Optional
The highlight style to use for this placemark. If this option is used, the style and highlightStyle form a style map.
{IconStyleOptions} options.icon Optional
A convenience property to build the point placemark's icon style from the given options.
{String} options.stockIcon Optional
A convenience property to set the point placemark's icon to a stock icon, e.g. 'paddle/wht-blank'. Stock icons reside under ''.

<static> {KmlPoint} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildPoint(point, options)
Creates a new point geometry with the given parameters.
{PointOptions|geo.Point|KmlPoint} point Optional
The point data. Anything that can be passed to the geo.Point constructor.
{Object} options
The parameters of the point object to create.
{PointOptions|geo.Point|KmlPoint} options.point
The point data. Anything that can be passed to the geo.Point constructor.
{KmlAltitudeModeEnum} options.altitudeMode Optional
The altitude mode of the geometry.
{Boolean} options.extrude Optional
Whether or not the geometry should extrude down to the Earth's surface.

<static> GEarthExtensions#dom.buildPointPlacemark(point, options)
Convenience method to build a point placemark.
{PointOptions|KmlPoint} point
The point geometry.
{Object} options
The parameters of the placemark to create.

<static> {KmlPolygon} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildPolygon(polygon, options)
Creates a new polygon geometry with the given parameters.
{PolygonOptions|geo.Polygon|KmlPolygon} polygon Optional
The polygon data. Anything that can be passed to the geo.Polygon constructor.
{Object} options
The parameters of the polygon to create.
{PolygonOptions|geo.Polygon|KmlPolygon} options.polygon
The polygon data. Anything that can be passed to the geo.Polygon constructor.
{KmlAltitudeModeEnum} options.altitudeMode Optional
The altitude mode of the geometry.
{Boolean} options.extrude Optional
Whether or not the geometry should extrude down to the Earth's surface.
{Boolean} options.tessellate Optional
Whether or not the geometry should be tessellated (i.e. contour to the terrain).

<static> GEarthExtensions#dom.buildPolygonPlacemark(polygon, options)
Convenience method to build a polygon placemark.
{PolygonOptions|KmlPolygon} polygon
The polygon geometry.
{Object} options
The parameters of the placemark to create.

<static> {KmlRegion} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildRegion(options)
Creates a new region with the given parameters.
{Object} options
The parameters of the region to create.
The bounding box of the region, defined by either N/E/S/W, or center+span, and optional altitudes.
{Number} Optional
The north latitude for the region.
{Number} Optional
The east longitude for the region.
{Number} Optional
The south latitude for the region.
{Number} Optional
The west longitude for the region.
{PointOptions|geo.Point} Optional
The center point for the region's bounding box.
{Number|Number[]} Optional
If using center+span region box definition, this is either a number indicating both latitude and longitude span, or a 2-item array defining [latSpan, lngSpan].
{Number} Optional
The low altitude for the region.
{Number} Optional
The high altitude for the region.
{KmlAltitudeModeEnum} Optional
The altitude mode of the region, pertaining to min and max altitude.
{Number[]} options.lod Optional
An array of values indicating the LOD range for the region. The array can either contain 2 values, i.e. [minLodPixels, maxLodPixels], or 4 values to indicate fade extents, i.e. [minLodPixels, minFadeExtent, maxFadeExtent, maxLodPixels].

<static> {KmlScreenOverlay} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildScreenOverlay(icon, options)
Creates a new screen overlay with the given parameters.
{String} icon Optional
The URL of the overlay image.
{Object} options
The parameters of the screen overlay to create.
{String} Optional
The name of the feature.
{Boolean} options.visibility Optional
Whether or not the feature should be visible.
{String} options.description Optional
An HTML description for the feature.
{String} options.color Optional
A color to apply on the overlay.
{String} options.icon Optional
The URL of the overlay image.
{Number} options.drawOrder Optional
The drawing order of the overlay; overlays with higher draw orders appear on top of those with lower draw orders.
{Vec2Src} options.overlayXY Optional
The registration point in the overlay that will be placed at the given screenXY point and potentially rotated about. This object will be passed to GEarthExtensions#dom.setVec2. The default is the top left of the overlay. Note that the behavior of overlayXY in GEarthExtensions is KML-correct; whereas in the Earth API overlayXY and screenXY are swapped.
{Vec2Src} options.screenXY
The position in the plugin window that the screen overlay should appear at. This object will be passed to GEarthExtensions#dom.setVec2. Note that the behavior of overlayXY in GEarthExtensions is KML-correct; whereas in the Earth API overlayXY and screenXY are swapped.
{Vec2Src} options.size
The size of the overlay. This object will be passed to GEarthExtensions#dom.setVec2.
{KmlAltitudeModeEnum} options.altitudeMode Optional
The altitude mode of the ground overlay.
{Number} options.rotation Optional
The rotation of the overlay, in degrees.

<static> {KmlStyle} GEarthExtensions#dom.buildStyle(options)
Creates a new style with the given parameters.
{Object} options
The style parameters.
{String|Object} options.icon Optional
The icon href or an icon object literal.
{String} options.icon.href Optional
The icon href.
{String} options.icon.stockIcon Optional
A convenience property to set the icon to a stock icon, e.g. 'paddle/wht-blank'. Stock icons reside under ''.
{Number} options.icon.scale Optional
The icon scaling factor.
{ColorSpec} options.icon.color Optional
The color of the icon.
{ColorSpec} options.icon.opacity Optional
The opacity of the icon, between 0.0 and 1.0. This is a convenience property, since opacity can be defined in the color.
{Vec2Options|KmlVec2} options.icon.hotSpot Optional
The hot sopt of the icon, as a KmlVec2, or as an options literal to pass to3 GEarthExtensions.dom.setVec2.
{ColorSpec|Object} options.label Optional
The label color or a label object literal.
{Number} options.label.scale Optional
The label scaling factor.
{ColorSpec} options.label.color Optional
The color of the label.
{ColorSpec} options.icon.opacity Optional
The opacity of the label, between 0.0 and 1.0. This is a convenience property, since opacity can be defined in the color.
{ColorSpec|Object} options.line Optional
The line color or a line object literal.
{Number} options.line.width Optional
The line width.
{ColorSpec} options.line.color Optional
The line color.
{ColorSpec} options.icon.opacity Optional
The opacity of the line, between 0.0 and 1.0. This is a convenience property, since opacity can be defined in the color.
{ColorSpec|Object} options.poly Optional
The polygon color or a polygon style object literal.
{Boolean} options.poly.fill Optional
Whether or not the polygon will be filled.
{Boolean} options.poly.outline Optional
Whether or not the polygon will have an outline.
{ColorSpec} options.poly.color Optional
The color of the polygon fill.
{ColorSpec} options.icon.opacity Optional
The opacity of the polygon, between 0.0 and 1.0. This is a convenience property, since opacity can be defined in the color.
{ColorSpec|Object} options.balloon Optional
The balloon bgColor or a balloon style object literal.
{Boolean} options.balloon.bgColor Optional
The balloon background color.
{Boolean} options.balloon.textColor Optional
The balloon text color.
{String} options.balloon.text Optional
The balloon text template.

<static> GEarthExtensions#dom.clearFeatures()
Removes all top-level features from the Earth object's DOM.

<static> {geo.Bounds} GEarthExtensions#dom.computeBounds(object)
Computes the latitude/longitude bounding box for the given object. Note that this method walks the object's DOM, so may have poor performance for large objects.
{KmlFeature|KmlGeometry} object
The feature or geometry whose bounds should be computed.

<static> GEarthExtensions#dom.getObjectById(id, options)
Gets the object in the Earth DOM with the given id.
{String} id
The id of the object to retrieve.
{Object} options Optional
An options literal.
{Boolean} options.recursive Optional, Default: true
Whether or not to walk the entire object (true) or just its immediate children (false).
{KmlObject} options.rootObject Optional
The root of the KML object hierarchy to search. The default is to search the entire Earth Plugin DOM.
Returns the object with the given id, or null if it was not found.

<static> GEarthExtensions#dom.removeObject(object)
Removes the given object from the Earth object's DOM.
{KmlObject} object
The object to remove.

<static> GEarthExtensions#dom.setVec2(vec2, options)
Sets the given KmlVec2 object to the point defined in the options.
{KmlVec2} vec2
The object to set, for example a screen overlay's screenXY.
{Object|KmlVec2} options
The options literal defining the point, or an existing KmlVec2 object to copy.
{Number|String} options.left Optional
The left offset, in pixels (i.e. 5), or as a percentage (i.e. '25%').
{Number|String} Optional
The top offset, in pixels or a string percentage.
{Number|String} options.right Optional
The right offset, in pixels or a string percentage.
{Number|String} options.bottom Optional
The bottom offset, in pixels or a string percentage.
{Number|String} options.width Optional
A convenience parameter specifying width, only useful for screen overlays, in pixels or a string percentage.
{Number|String} options.height Optional
A convenience parameter specifying height, only useful for screen overlays, in pixels or a string percentage.

<static> GEarthExtensions#dom.walk(options)
Walks a KML object, calling a given visit function for each object in the KML DOM. The lone argument must be either a visit function or an options literal. NOTE: walking the DOM can have pretty poor performance on very large hierarchies, as first time accesses to KML objects from JavaScript incur some overhead in the API.
{Object} options Optional
The walk options:
{Function} options.visitCallback
The function to call upon visiting a node in the DOM. The 'this' variable in the callback function will be bound to the object being visited. The lone argument passed to this function will be an object literal for the call context. To get the current application-specific call context, use the 'current' property of the context object. To set the context for all child calls, set the 'child' property of the context object.To prevent walking the children of the current object, set the 'walkChildren' property of the context object to false. To stop the walking process altogether, return false in the function.
{KmlObject} options.rootObject Optional
The root of the KML object hierarchy to walk. The default is to walk the entire Earth Plugin DOM.
{Boolean} options.features Optional, Default: true
Descend into feature containers?
{Boolean} options.geometries Optional, Default: false
Descend into geometry containers?
{Object} options.rootContext Optional
The application-specific context to pass to the root item.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Tue Oct 30 2012 11:34:31 GMT-0700 (PDT)