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Namespace GEarthExtensions#edit

Defined in: extensions.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Contains methods for allowing user-interactive editing of features inside the Google Earth Plugin.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
GEarthExtensions#edit.drawLineString(lineString, options)
Enters a mode in which the user can draw the given line string geometry on the globe by clicking on the globe to create coordinates.
GEarthExtensions#edit.editLineString(lineString, options)
Allows the user to edit the coordinates of the given line string by dragging existing points, splitting path segments/creating new points or deleting existing points.
Ceases the draggability of the given placemark.
Ceases the ability for the user to edit or draw the given line string.
GEarthExtensions#edit.makeDraggable(placemark, options)
Turns on draggability for the given point placemark.
<static>, options)
Enters a mode in which the user can place the given point placemark onto the globe by clicking on the globe.
Namespace Detail
Contains methods for allowing user-interactive editing of features inside the Google Earth Plugin.
Method Detail
<static> GEarthExtensions#edit.drawLineString(lineString, options)
Enters a mode in which the user can draw the given line string geometry on the globe by clicking on the globe to create coordinates. To cancel the placement, use GEarthExtensions#edit.endEditLineString. This is similar in intended usage to
{KmlLineString|KmlLinearRing} lineString
The line string geometry to allow the user to draw (or append points to).
{Object} options Optional
The edit options.
{Boolean} options.bounce Optional, Default: true
Whether or not to enable bounce effects while drawing coordinates.
{Function} options.drawCallback Optional
A callback to fire when new vertices are drawn. The only argument passed will be the index of the new coordinate (it can either be prepended or appended, depending on whether or not ensuring counter-clockwisedness).
{Function} options.finishCallback Optional
A callback to fire when drawing is successfully completed (via double click or by clicking on the first coordinate again).
{Boolean} options.ensureCounterClockwise Optional, Default: true
Whether or not to automatically keep polygon coordinates in counter clockwise order.

<static> GEarthExtensions#edit.editLineString(lineString, options)
Allows the user to edit the coordinates of the given line string by dragging existing points, splitting path segments/creating new points or deleting existing points.
{KmlLineString|KmlLinearRing} lineString
The line string or lienar ring geometry to edit. For KmlPolygon geometries, pass in an outer or inner boundary.
{Object} options Optional
The line string edit options.
{Function} options.editCallback Optional
A callback function to fire when the line string coordinates have changed due to user interaction.

<static> GEarthExtensions#edit.endDraggable(placemark)
Ceases the draggability of the given placemark. If the placemark is in the process of being placed via, the placement is cancelled.

<static> GEarthExtensions#edit.endEditLineString(lineString)
Ceases the ability for the user to edit or draw the given line string.

<static> GEarthExtensions#edit.makeDraggable(placemark, options)
Turns on draggability for the given point placemark.
{KmlPlacemark} placemark
The point placemark to enable dragging on.
{Object} options Optional
The draggable options.
{Boolean} options.bounce Optional, Default: true
Whether or not to bounce up upon dragging and bounce back down upon dropping.
{Function} options.dragCallback Optional
A callback function to fire continuously while dragging occurs.
{Function} options.dropCallback Optional
A callback function to fire once the placemark is successfully dropped.
{StyleOptions|KmlStyle} options.draggingStyle Optional
The style options to apply to the placemark while dragging.
{ScreenOverlayOptions|KmlScreenOverlay} options.targetScreenOverlay Optional
A screen overlay to use as a drop target indicator (i.e. a bullseye) while dragging.

<static>, options)
Enters a mode in which the user can place the given point placemark onto the globe by clicking on the globe. To cancel the placement, use GEarthExtensions#edit.endDraggable.
{KmlPlacemark} placemark
The point placemark for the user to place onto the globe.
{Object} options Optional
The draggable options. See GEarthExtensions#edit.makeDraggable.

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