Package madrona :: Package heatmap :: Module models
[hide private]

Module models

source code

Functions [hide private]
Borrowed from Matt Perry
source code
create_blank_raster(extent, cellsize, outfile, format, srid=settings.GEOMETRY_DB_SRID)
Creates a blank raster dataset with all zeros.
source code
create_raster_from_matrix(matrix, outfile, extent=None, cellsize=CELL_SIZE, format='GTiff', srid=settings.GEOMETRY_DB_SRID)
Creates a raster dataset with all 1s where there are shapes in the shapefile.
source code
shapefile_to_matrix(shapefile, cellsize=CELL_SIZE, extent=None) source code
create_heatmap(shp_list) source code
Variables [hide private]
  CELL_SIZE = 50
Function Details [hide private]

create_blank_raster(extent, cellsize, outfile, format, srid=settings.GEOMETRY_DB_SRID)

source code 

Creates a blank raster dataset with all zeros. This code came from Matt Perry: and got modified to set the projection.