Package madrona :: Package heatmap :: Module models
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Source Code for Module madrona.heatmap.models

  1  from django.contrib.gis.db import models 
  2  from django.conf import settings 
  3  from madrona.studyregion.models import * 
  4  import os 
  5  import sys 
  6  import numpy 
  7  import tempfile 
  8  from osgeo import gdal, osr 
 10  CELL_SIZE = 50 
12 -def readArray(input):
13 """Borrowed from Matt Perry""" 14 data = gdal.Open(input) 15 band = data.GetRasterBand(1) 16 17 return band.ReadAsArray()
19 -def create_blank_raster(extent,cellsize,outfile,format,srid=settings.GEOMETRY_DB_SRID):
20 """ 21 Creates a blank raster dataset with all zeros. This code came from Matt Perry: and got modified 22 to set the projection. 23 """ 24 srs = osr.SpatialReference() 25 srs.ImportFromEPSG(srid) 26 ydist = extent[3] - extent[1] 27 xdist = extent[2] - extent[0] 28 xcount = int((xdist / cellsize) + 1) 29 ycount = int((ydist / cellsize) + 1) 30 31 # Create the blank numpy array 32 outArray = numpy.zeros((ycount, xcount)) 33 34 # Create output raster 35 driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format) 36 dst_ds = driver.Create(outfile, xcount, ycount, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16) 37 38 # This is bizzarly complicated 39 # the GT(2) and GT(4) coefficients are zero, 40 # and the GT(1) is pixel width, and GT(5) is pixel height. 41 # The (GT(0),GT(3)) position is the top left corner of the top left pixel 42 gt = (extent[0],cellsize,0,extent[3],0,(cellsize * -1.)) 43 dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(gt) 44 dst_ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) 45 46 dst_band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) 47 dst_band.WriteArray(outArray,0,0) 48 dst_ds = None 49 return outfile
51 -def create_raster_from_matrix(matrix,outfile,extent=None,cellsize=CELL_SIZE,format='GTiff',srid=settings.GEOMETRY_DB_SRID):
52 """ 53 Creates a raster dataset with all 1s where there are shapes in the shapefile. 54 """ 55 if extent is None: 56 extent = StudyRegion.objects.current().geometry.extent 57 srs = osr.SpatialReference() 58 srs.ImportFromEPSG(srid) 59 ydist = extent[3] - extent[1] 60 xdist = extent[2] - extent[0] 61 xcount = int((xdist / cellsize) + 1) 62 ycount = int((ydist / cellsize) + 1) 63 64 # Create output raster 65 driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format) 66 dst_ds = driver.Create(outfile, xcount, ycount, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16) 67 68 # This is bizzarly complicated 69 # the GT(2) and GT(4) coefficients are zero, 70 # and the GT(1) is pixel width, and GT(5) is pixel height. 71 # The (GT(0),GT(3)) position is the top left corner of the top left pixel 72 gt = (extent[0],cellsize,0,extent[3],0,(cellsize * -1.)) 73 dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(gt) 74 dst_ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) 75 76 dst_band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) 77 dst_band.WriteArray(matrix,0,0) 78 dst_band.SetNoDataValue(0.0) 79 min_val, max_val = dst_band.ComputeRasterMinMax() 80 start_color = (255,255,0,160) 81 end_color = (255,0,0,160) 82 ct = gdal.ColorTable() 83 ct.CreateColorRamp(int(min_val),start_color,int(max_val),end_color) 84 dst_band.SetColorTable(ct) 85 dst_ds = None 86 return outfile
88 -def shapefile_to_matrix(shapefile,cellsize=CELL_SIZE,extent=None):
89 if extent is None: 90 extent = StudyRegion.objects.current().geometry.extent 91 tf = tempfile.mktemp() 92 rast = create_blank_raster(extent,cellsize,tf,'GTiff') 93 layer_arg = '-l ' + os.path.basename(shapefile).split(os.path.extsep)[0] 94 sys_string = 'gdal_rasterize -b 1 -burn 1 %s %s %s' % (layer_arg,shapefile,tf) 95 os.system(sys_string) 96 matrix = readArray(tf) 97 os.remove(tf) 98 return matrix
100 -def create_heatmap(shp_list):
101 matrices = [] 102 for shp in shp_list: 103 matrices.append(shapefile_to_matrix(shp)) 104 for i,matrix in enumerate(matrices): 105 if i == 0: 106 mat = matrix 107 else: 108 mat += matrix 109 outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif', mode='w+b') 110 outfile.close() 111 return create_raster_from_matrix(mat,