Built-in Template Tags


Creates a content block that represents a “panel”. A panel can be rendered both in its own page or within map_view.

Accepts one argument, the name of the panel. This will show up in the header, and can be a string(quoted) or a context variable.

{% panel "My Panel is Awesome" %}
    <p>Here are the reasons why:</p>
    {% footer %}
        Notice I place the footer within panel tags
    {% endfooter %}
{% endpanel %}


Alternative to panel. Works in conjunction with tab tags to create tabbed navigation within a single panel.

Accepts one argument, the name of the panel. This will show up in the header, and can be a string(quoted) or a context variable.


Defines a block of content that renders within it’s own tab.

Accepts one argument, the name of the tab. This will show up in the tab navigation element, and can be a string(quoted) or a context variable.

{% tabpanel "My TabPanel" %}
    {% tab "First Tab" %}
    {% endtab %}
    {% tab "Second Tab" %}
        {% footer %}
            Optional footer...
        {% endfooter %}
    {% endtab %}
{% endtabpanel %}


Indicates that this panel should have a complementary page linked from the panel, with a style suitable for printing and direct linking.

{% printable %}

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