Creates a content block that represents a “panel”. A panel can be rendered both in its own page or within map_view.
Accepts one argument, the name of the panel. This will show up in the header, and can be a string(quoted) or a context variable.
{% panel "My Panel is Awesome" %}
<p>Here are the reasons why:</p>
{% footer %}
Notice I place the footer within panel tags
{% endfooter %}
{% endpanel %}
Alternative to panel. Works in conjunction with tab tags to create tabbed navigation within a single panel.
Accepts one argument, the name of the panel. This will show up in the header, and can be a string(quoted) or a context variable.
Defines a block of content that renders within it’s own tab.
Accepts one argument, the name of the tab. This will show up in the tab navigation element, and can be a string(quoted) or a context variable.
{% tabpanel "My TabPanel" %}
{% tab "First Tab" %}
{% endtab %}
{% tab "Second Tab" %}
{% footer %}
Optional footer...
{% endfooter %}
{% endtab %}
{% endtabpanel %}
Indicates that this panel should have a complementary page linked from the panel, with a style suitable for printing and direct linking.
{% printable %}
Required for proper operation, this tag creates the link to go back to it’s “parent”. Note, this does not have to be the last panel shown. It could be that the previous panel linked to this one via a “switch” animation.
Accepts the url of a panel as a variable, as well as the title of the link.
{% url 'mpa_attributes' as my_url %}
{% back_link my_url "MPA Attributes" %}