It’s difficult to maintain a large web application without breaking the javascript and css components into multiple files. The problem with this approach is that http requests are costly and loading many css and js files increases the loading time of the app.
Madrona utilizes the django-compress app not only to concatenate these files but compress them by removing comments and whitespace.
Each django app in the madrona module has a folder under media/, that contains folders for javascript, css, and images. Also there is a folder for external libraries called lib, and a folder for testing javascript:
This can of course be expanded and will likely need to incorporate a folder for test fixtures.
There are two ways to incorporate your javascript and css asset in the build.
To include your files in the main javascript and css packages, you’ll need to add them to js_includes.xml and css_includes.xml.
Do not include project-specific javascript and css files using this method.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
List all css files that should be aggregated into the main madrona.css
file here. Be mindful of the order.
<file path="common/css/typography.css" />
<file path="common/css/application.css" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Edit this file to add javascript files that need to be included in the
main madrona.js distribution, as well as point to appropriate tests.
Please avoid adding third party libs where they are available from a CDN
like Google's ajaxlibs
<file path="common/js/lib/tmpl.js" />
<!-- note the inclusion of tests -->
<test path="common/js/test/lib/tmpl.js" />
Note that this diverges significantly from the standard way one configures django-compress. The reason for this is that static html files can then parse these xml files and run tests on the client code without a server running.
For implementations of Madrona for specific geographies, keep these files in the media folder in a project file tree. Within the project’s file, modify the COMPRESS_JS and COMPRESS_CSS dictionaries like so:
COMPRESS_JS['application']['source_filenames'] += (
COMPRESS_CSS['application']['source_filenames'] += (
Use the standard django-compress template tags:
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Madrona Decision Support Tool</title>
{% load compressed %}
{% compressed_css 'application' %}
{% compressed_js 'application' %}
Unit tests are defined using QUnit. Simply create a test js file and then add a reference to it in js_includes.xml and it can be run using the methods defined in the following sections.
Example unit test
test("list template", function(){
template = [
"<% for (var i=0; i < users.length; i++) { %>",
"<li><%= users[i].name %></li>",
"<% } %>",
template = template.join("");
list_users = tmpl(template);
data = {users: [{name:'me'}, {name: 'myself'}]}
equals(list_users(data), "<ul><li>me</li><li>myself</li></ul>");
Inclusion in media/js_includes.xml
<file path="common/js/lib/tmpl.js" />
<test path="common/js/test/lib/tmpl.js" />
It’s possible to test the client javascript code without a running server by simply opening media/tests.html. Because it’s a static file, one could even run the tests by opening tests.html directly from the online mercurial repository.
This page loads all the same files that django-compress packages, but loads each file individually and dynamically, so you don’t need a server running. In fact, one can simple browse to the mercurial repository and run tests from there!
This method will not test whether the code runs after packaging. For that reason it is suitable for quick use during development but cannot adequately test code for use in a production environment.
The most likely bugs not caught without packaging are forgotten trailing semi-colons. Fortunately, these bugs immediately cause parse errors when tested using the server-side method so they are easy to catch.
In order to test that javascript code runs properly after packaging and compression, you’ll need a running server. See getting_started for instructions on how to run the server, then point a browser to http://localhost:8000/tests. This will run the same tests, but using django-compress to load assets.
In order to test these files both concatenated and compressed you must have one of the following settings set:
DEBUG = False