Package madrona :: Package features :: Module models :: Class LineFeature
[hide private]

Class LineFeature

source code

django.contrib.gis.db.models.Model --+        
                               Feature --+    
                            SpatialFeature --+

Model used for representing user-generated linestring features. Inherits from SpatialFeature.

    ======================  ==============================================
    Attribute               Description
    ======================  ==============================================
    ``user``                Creator

    ``name``                Name of the object

    ``date_created``        When it was created

    ``date_modified``       When it was last updated.

    ``manipulators``        List of manipulators to be applied when geom
                            is saved.

    ``geometry_original``   Original geometry as input by the user.

    ``geometry_final``      Geometry after manipulators are applied.
    ======================  ==============================================

Nested Classes [hide private]
Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from SpatialFeature: active_manipulators, apply_manipulators, geom_kml, kml, kml_style, save

Inherited from Feature: __repr__, __unicode__, add_to_collection, copy, get_absolute_url, hash, is_viewable, kml_safe, options, remove_from_collection, share_with, uid

Class Methods [hide private]
Mapnik style object containing rules for symbolizing features in staticmap
source code

Inherited from Feature: css, get_options, model_uid

Class Variables [hide private]
  geometry_orig = models.LineStringField(srid= settings.GEOMETRY...
  geometry_final = models.LineStringField(srid= settings.GEOMETR...

Inherited from SpatialFeature: manipulators

Inherited from Feature: collection, content_type, date_created, date_modified, name, object_id, objects, sharing_groups, user

Method Details [hide private]

Class Method

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Mapnik style object containing rules for symbolizing features in staticmap

Overrides: SpatialFeature.mapnik_style
(inherited documentation)

Class Variable Details [hide private]


models.LineStringField(srid= settings.GEOMETRY_DB_SRID, null= True, bl\
ank= True, verbose_name= "Original LineString Geometry")


models.LineStringField(srid= settings.GEOMETRY_DB_SRID, null= True, bl\
ank= True, verbose_name= "Final LineString Geometry")