Package madrona :: Package features :: Class FeatureOptions
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Class FeatureOptions

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Represents properties of Feature Classes derived from both defaults and developer-specified options within the Options inner-class. These properties drive the features of the spatial content managment system, such as CRUD operations, copy, sharing, etc.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, model) source code
Returns the template used to render this Feature Class' attributes
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get_link(self, linkname)
Returns the FeatureLink with the specified name
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get_valid_children(self) source code
It's not sufficient to look if this model is a valid_child of another FeatureCollection; that collection could contain other collections that contain this model.
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Returns the form class for this Feature Class.
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dict(self, user, is_owner)
Returns a json representation of this feature class configuration that can be used to specify client behavior
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json(self) source code
Returns the path to a form for creating new instances of this model
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get_update_form(self, pk)
Given a primary key, returns the path to a form for updating a Feature Class
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get_share_form(self, pk)
Given a primary key, returns path to a form for sharing a Feature inst
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get_resource(self, pk)
Returns the primary url for a feature.
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Instance Variables [hide private]
Path to FeatureForm used to edit this class.
Name used in the url path to this feature as well as part of the Feature's uid
Name specified or derived from the feature class name used in the user interface for representing this feature class.
Location of the template that should be used to render forms when editing or creating new instances of this feature class.
Context to merge with default context items when rendering templates to create or modify features of this class.
Context to merge with default context items when rendering templates to view information about instances of this feature class.
Optional; URL to 16x16 icon to use in kmltree Use full URL or relative to MEDIA_URL
Links associated with this class.
Enable copying features.
valid child classes for the feature container
Required manipulators applied to user input geometries
Optional manipulators that may be applied to user input geometries
Enable kml visualization of features.
Method Details [hide private]


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It's not sufficient to look if this model is a valid_child of another
FeatureCollection; that collection could contain other collections 
that contain this model. 

Ex: Folder (only valid child is Array)
    Array (only valid child is MPA)
    Therefore, Folder is also a potential_parent of MPA

get_resource(self, pk)

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Returns the primary url for a feature. This url supports GET, POST, and DELETE operations.

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Enable copying features. Uses the feature class' copy() method. Defaults to True.


Enable kml visualization of features. Defaults to True.