Type manage.py help <subcommand> for help on a specific subcommand.
Commonly used subcommands:
createsuperuser # create a super user from the command line
clear_cache # clears the django cache
install_cleangeometry # installs the cleangeometry.sql PLPGSQL function
install_media # compiles madrona and project media to a single mediaroot directory
runprofileserver # runs a development server but with profiling output
site # sets the domain the site is running on
dbshell # the postgres shell
dumpdata # dump model as json fixture
loaddata # load data from json fixuture
runserver # run the dev server
shell # django ipython shell
celeryd # start the async process server
enable_sharing # enable sharing controls for groups
ogrinspect # bootstraps creating models from shapefiles
migrate # apply any outstanding migrations
schemamigration # create a new migration to reflect model changes
syncdb # create tables for apps not under migration
create_study_region # create a study region from a polygon shapefile