1 (function(){
  2     // earthTest and earthAsyncTest
  3     // ============================
  4     // 
  5     // Use earthTest rather than QUnit::test for testing functionality that 
  6     // requires an instance of the Google Earth Plugin and/or the 
  7     // earth-api-utility-library.
  8     // 
  9     // Test functions will be called with two arguments, the plugin instance and
 10     // the utility library. Here is an example:
 11     // 
 12     //     earthTest('Test grid', 1, function(ge, gex){
 13     //         equals(ge.getOptions().getGridVisibility(), true, 'Grid should be visible.');
 14     //     });
 15     //     
 16     // For asynchronous tests, use earthAsyncTest as a replacement for
 17     // QUnit::testAsync:
 18     // 
 19     //     earthAsyncTest('Test parse kml', 1, function(ge, gex){
 20     //         $.get('/path/to/kml', function(data){
 21     //             var doc = ge.parseKml(data);
 22     //             equals(doc.getName(), 'My Name');
 23     //             start();
 24     //         });
 25     //     });
 26     // 
 27     // When testing using asynchronous calls and the Earth Plugin it is
 28     // important to fill in the `expected` argument. Otherwise, it can be
 29     // difficult to pin down which test caused an error.
 30     // 
 31     // See the following for more information on using QUnit:
 32     // http://docs.jquery.com/QUnit
 33     window.earthTest = function(name, expected, callback, async){
 34         if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
 35         	callback = expected;
 36         	expected = 0;
 37         }
 39         var new_function = function(){
 40             if(ge && gex){
 41                 if(!async){
 42                     start();                            
 43                 }
 44                 callback(ge, gex);
 45             }else{
 46                 initializePlugin(function(){
 47                     if(!async){
 48                         start();                            
 49                     }
 50                     callback(ge, gex);                        
 51                 });
 52             }
 53         }
 54         asyncTest(name, expected, new_function);
 55     }
 57     window.earthAsyncTest = function(name, expected, callback){
 58         if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
 59         	callback = expected;
 60         	expected = 0;
 61         }
 62         earthTest(name, expected, callback, true);
 63     }
 66     var ge;
 67     var gex;
 69     function initializePlugin(callback){
 70         var map = $(document.body).append('<div id="map3d"></div>');
 71         $('#map3d').css({width:'400', height: '200', 'position': 'absolute', 'left': '-400px'});
 72         google.earth.createInstance('map3d', function(plugin){
 73             ge = plugin;
 74             gex = new GEarthExtensions(ge);
 75             callback();
 76         }, googleEarthFailureCallback);
 77     }
 79     module('Custom Earth Test Cases');
 81     var reference_to_first_google_earth_instance;
 83     earthAsyncTest('earthAsyncTest works', 2, function(ge, gex){
 84         ok(typeof ge === 'object', 'Google Earth Plugin initialized');
 85         reference_to_first_google_earth_instance = ge;
 86         setTimeout(function(){
 87             start();
 88             ok(true === true, 'Additional asynchronous events can be run');
 89         }, 1000);
 90     });
 92     earthTest('only loads once', 1, function(ge, gex){
 93         ok(ge === reference_to_first_google_earth_instance, 
 94             'Google Earth Plugin should initialize only once.');
 95     });
 97     function googleEarthFailureCallback(){
 98         alert('failed to load google earth plugin.');
 99     }
101     var DEFAULT_USERNAME = 'integration_tester';
102     var DEFAULT_PASSWORD = 'password';
103     var LOGIN = '/accounts/login/';
104     var LOGOUT = '/accounts/logout/';
106     function login(username, password, callback){
107         $.post(LOGIN, {username: username, password: password}, function(data, textStatus){
108             if(textStatus === "success"){
109                 if(data.match('label for="id_username"')){
110                     callback('username and password not valid.');
111                 }else{
112                     callback(false);
113                 }
114             }else{
115                 callback(textStatus);
116             }
117         }, "html");
118     }
121     // testLoggedIn, testLoggedInAsync, testLoggedOut, and testLoggedOutAsync
122     // ======================================================================
123     // 
124     // These methods expose a way to develop tests which require first that a 
125     // default user or specified user is logged in or out before the starting the
126     // test.
127     // 
128     // Examples:
129     //     
130     // // optional `expected` argument specified.
131     //     testLoggedIn('my test', 1, function(){
132     //         ok([some condition], 'My user can do ...');
133     //     });
134     //     
135     // // specify a different username and password
136     //     testLoggedIn('my test', 'myusername', 'pword', function(){
137     //         ok([some condition], 'myusername can do ...');
138     //     });
139     //     
140     // // asynchronous tests can also be run
141     //     testLoggedInAsync('my test', 2, function(){
142     //         ok([some condition], 'My user can do ...');
143     //         setTimeout(function(){
144     //             ok(true, 'asynchronous testing works.');
145     //             start();
146     //         }, 100);
147     //     });
148     //     
149     // // If you have a test that must be run with an unauthenticated user:
150     //     testLoggedOut('my test', 1, function(){
151     //         equals(can_do, false, 'user must be logged in to do x.');
152     //     });
153     // 
154     window.testLoggedIn = function(name, expected, username, pword, callback){
155         var options;
156         if(arguments.length !== 1){
157             options = parseArguments(arguments);
158         }else{
159             options = name;
160         }
161         var new_function = function(){
162             login(options['username'], options['pword'], function(error){
163                 if(error){
164                     ok(false, 'Could not login '+options['username'] + '. '+error);
165                     start();
166                 }else{
167                     options['callback'](options['username']);
168                     if(!options['async']){
169                         start();
170                     }
171                 }
172             });
173         }
174         asyncTest(options['name'], options['expected'], new_function);
175     }
177     window.testLoggedInAsync = function(name, expected, username, pword, callback){
178         var options = parseArguments(arguments);
179         options['async'] = true;
180         window.testLoggedIn(options);
181     }
184     function logout(callback){
185         $.get(LOGOUT, function(data, textStatus){
186             if(textStatus === "success"){
187                 callback(false);
188             }else{
189                 callback(textStatus);
190             }
191         });
192     }
194     window.testLoggedOut = function(name, expected, callback, async){
195         if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
196         	callback = expected;
197         	expected = 0;
198         }
199         var new_function = function(){
200             logout(function(error){
201                 if(error){
202                     ok(false, 'Could not logout');
203                     start();
204                 }else{
205                     callback();
206                     if(!async){
207                         start();
208                     }
209                 }
210             });
211         }
212         asyncTest(name, expected, new_function);
213     }
215     window.testLoggedOutAsync = function(name, expected, callback){
216         if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
217         	callback = expected;
218         	expected = 0;
219         }
220         window.testLoggedOut(name, expected, callback, true);
221     }
223     function parseArguments(args){
224         var options = {
225             username: DEFAULT_USERNAME,
226             pword: DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
227             expected: 0,
228             async: false,
229             name: args[0]
230         };
231         // if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof name === 'object'){
232         //     callback = name['callback'];
233         //     pword = name['pword'] || 'password';
234         //     username = name['username'] || 'integration_tester';
235         //     expected = name['expected'] || 0;
236         //     async = name['async'];
237         //     name = name['name'];
238         // }else{
239         if ( args.length === 2 ) {
240             options['callback'] = args[1];
241         }
242         if ( args.length === 3 ) {
243         	options['callback'] = args[2];
244             options['expected'] = args[1];
245         }
246         if (args.length === 4) {
247             options['callback'] = args[3];
248             options['pword'] = args[2];
249             options['username'] = args[1];
250         }
251         if (args.length === 5) {
252             options['callback'] = args[4];
253             options['pword'] = args[3];
254             options['username'] = args[2];
255             options['expected'] = args[1];
256         }            
257         return options;
258     }
260     $(document).ready(function(){
261         if(typeof window.skipAuthTests === 'undefined' || window.skipAuthTests === false){
262             module('Custom Login-Related Test Cases');
264             test('options parsed correctly', function(){
265                 var callback = function(){};
266                 // with username and password
267                 // no expected
268                 var options = parseArguments(['mytest', 'myusername', 'mypassword', callback]);
269                 equals(options['name'], 'mytest', '`name` correctly set.');
270                 equals(options['expected'], 0, '`expected` loaded from defaults');
271                 equals(options['username'], 'myusername', '`username` correctly set.');
272                 equals(options['pword'], 'mypassword', '`pword` correctly set.');
273                 equals(options['callback'], callback, '`callback` correctly set.');
274                 equals(options['async'], false, '`async` correctly set.');
276                 // with expected
277                 var options = parseArguments(['mytest', 8, 'myusername', 'mypassword', callback]);
278                 equals(options['name'], 'mytest', '`name` correctly set.');
279                 equals(options['expected'], 8, '`expected` correctly set.');
280                 equals(options['username'], 'myusername', '`username` correctly set.');
281                 equals(options['pword'], 'mypassword', '`pword` correctly set.');
282                 equals(options['callback'], callback, '`callback` correctly set.');
284                 // without username and password
285                 // no expected
286                 var options = parseArguments(['mytest', callback]);
287                 equals(options['name'], 'mytest', '`name` correctly set.');
288                 equals(options['expected'], 0, '`expected` loaded from defaults');
289                 equals(options['username'], DEFAULT_USERNAME, '`username` loaded from default.');
290                 equals(options['pword'], DEFAULT_PASSWORD, '`pword` loaded from default.');
291                 equals(options['callback'], callback, '`callback` correctly set.');
292                 equals(options['async'], false, '`async` correctly set.');
294                 // with expected
295                 var options = parseArguments(['mytest', 4, callback]);
296                 equals(options['name'], 'mytest', '`name` correctly set.');
297                 equals(options['expected'], 4, '`expected` set correctly.');
298                 equals(options['username'], DEFAULT_USERNAME, '`username` loaded from default.');
299                 equals(options['pword'], DEFAULT_PASSWORD, '`pword` loaded from default.');
300                 equals(options['callback'], callback, '`callback` correctly set.');
301                 equals(options['async'], false, '`async` correctly set.');
303             });
305             testLoggedIn('testLoggedIn - username and password, expected specified', 1, DEFAULT_USERNAME, DEFAULT_PASSWORD, function(username){
306                 equals(username, DEFAULT_USERNAME);
307             });
309             testLoggedInAsync('testLoggedInAsync - username and password, expected specified', 2, DEFAULT_USERNAME, DEFAULT_PASSWORD, function(username){
310                 equals(username, DEFAULT_USERNAME);
311                 setTimeout(function(){
312                     ok(true, 'asynchronous testing works.');
313                     start();
314                 }, 100);
315             });
317             testLoggedIn('testLoggedIn - username and password, no expected argument', DEFAULT_USERNAME, DEFAULT_PASSWORD, function(username){
318                 equals(username, DEFAULT_USERNAME);
319             });
321             testLoggedInAsync('testLoggedInAsync - username and password, no expected argument', DEFAULT_USERNAME, DEFAULT_PASSWORD, function(username){
322                 equals(username, DEFAULT_USERNAME);
323                 setTimeout(function(){
324                     ok(true, 'asynchronous testing works.');
325                     start();
326                 }, 100);
327             });
329             testLoggedIn('testLoggedIn - default user, expected specified', 1, DEFAULT_USERNAME, DEFAULT_PASSWORD, function(username){
330                 equals(username, DEFAULT_USERNAME);
331             });
333             testLoggedInAsync('testLoggedInAsync - default user, expected specified', 2, function(username){
334                 equals(username, DEFAULT_USERNAME);
335                 setTimeout(function(){
336                     ok(true, 'asynchronous testing works.');
337                     start();
338                 }, 100);
339             });
341             testLoggedIn('testLoggedIn - default user, no expected argument', function(username){
342                 equals(username, DEFAULT_USERNAME);
343             });
345             testLoggedInAsync('testLoggedInAsync - default user, no expected argument', function(username){
346                 equals(username, DEFAULT_USERNAME);
347                 setTimeout(function(){
348                     ok(true, 'asynchronous testing works.');
349                     start();
350                 }, 100);
351             });
353             testLoggedOut('testLoggedOut - expected argument', 1, function(){
354                 ok(true, 'testLoggedOut works with expected argument.');
355             });
357             testLoggedOutAsync('testLoggedOutAsync - expected argument', 2, function(){
358                 ok(true, 'testLoggedOut works with expected argument.');
359                 setTimeout(function(){
360                     ok(true, 'asynchronous testing works.');
361                     start();
362                 }, 100);
363             });
365             testLoggedOut('testLoggedOut - expected argument', function(){
366                 ok(true, 'testLoggedOut works without expected.');
367             });
369             testLoggedOutAsync('testLoggedOutAsync - expected argument', function(){
370                 ok(true, 'testLoggedOut works without expected.');
371                 setTimeout(function(){
372                     ok(true, 'asynchronous testing works.');
373                     start();
374                 }, 100);
375             });
376             // testing
377                 // with username and password
378                     // no expected
379                     // with expected
380                 // without username and password
381                     // with expected
382                     // without expected
383         }
384     });
385 })();