1 module('ge-utility-lib-patches');
  3 earthAsyncTest("load kml and flyToView", 2, function(ge, gex){
  4     gex.dom.clearFeatures();
  5     var oldNorth = ge.getView().getViewportGlobeBounds().getNorth();    
  6     gex.util.displayKml('http://madrona.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/media/common/fixtures/example_camera_view.kml', {'flyToView': true});
  7     var found = false;
  8     setTimeout(function(){
  9         start();
 10         ok(ge.getFeatures().getChildNodes().getLength() == 1, 'KML added');
 11         ok(ge.getView().getViewportGlobeBounds().getNorth() !== oldNorth, 'Viewport did not fly to layer extent.');
 12     }, 2000);
 13     // Leaving this test unfinished as kml can't be loaded from local disk.
 14 });