1 /*!
  2  * Raphael Shadow Plugin 0.2
  3  *
  4  * Copyright (c) 2009 Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://raphaeljs.com)
  5  * Licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) license.
  6  */
  8 Raphael.shadow = function (x, y, w, h, options) {
  9     // options format: {
 10     //     size: 0..1, shadow size
 11     //     color: "#000", placeholder colour
 12     //     stroke: "#000", placeholder stroke colour
 13     //     shadow: "#000", shadow colour
 14     //     r: 5, radius of placeholder rounded corners
 15     // }
 16     options = options || {};
 17     var t = ~~(size * .3 + .5),
 18         size = (options.size || 1) * 10,
 19         color = options.color || "#fff",
 20         stroke = options.stroke || color,
 21         shadowColor = options.shadow || "#000",
 22         R = options.r || 3,
 23         s = size,
 24         b = size * 2,
 25         r = b + s,
 26         rg = this.format("r{0}-{0}", shadowColor),
 27         rect = "rect",
 28         circ = "circle",
 29         none = "none";
 30     var res = this([
 31         x - s, y - t, w + (x = s) * 2, h + (y = t) + b,
 32         {type: rect, x: x - s, y: y - t, width: b + s, height: h + y + b, stroke: none, fill: this.format("180-{0}-{0}", shadowColor), opacity: 0, "clip-rect": [x - s + 1, y - t + r, b, h + y + b - r * 2 + .9]},
 33         {type: rect, x: x + w - b, y: y - t, width: b + s, height: h + y + b, stroke: none, fill: this.format("0-{0}-{0}", shadowColor), opacity: 0, "clip-rect": [x + w - s + 1, y - t + r, b, h + y + b - r * 2]},
 34         {type: rect, x: x + b - 1, y: y + h - s, width: w + b, height: b + s, stroke: none, fill: this.format("270-{0}-{0}", shadowColor), opacity: 0, "clip-rect": [x + b, y + h - s, w + b - r * 2, b + s]},
 35         {type: rect, x: x + s - 1, y: y - t, width: w + b, height: b + s, stroke: none, fill: this.format("90-{0}-{0}", shadowColor), opacity: 0, "clip-rect": [x + b, y - t, w + b - r * 2, s + t + 1]},
 36         {type: circ, cx: x + b, cy: y + h - s, r: r, stroke: none, fill: rg, opacity: 0, "clip-rect": [x - s, y + h - s + .999, r, r]},
 37         {type: circ, cx: x + w - b, cy: y + h - s, r: r, stroke: none, fill: rg, opacity: 0, "clip-rect": [x + w - b, y + h - s, r, r]},
 38         {type: circ, cx: x + b, cy: y - t + r, r: r, stroke: none, fill: rg, opacity: 0, "clip-rect": [x - s, y - t, r, r]},
 39         {type: circ, cx: x + w - b, cy: y - t + r, r: r , stroke: none, fill: rg, opacity: 0, "clip-rect": [x + w - b, y - t, r, r]},
 40         {type: rect, x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, r: R, fill: color, stroke: stroke}
 41         ]);
 42     return res[0].paper;
 43 };