Package madrona :: Package layers :: Module models :: Class PrivateLayerList
[hide private]

Class PrivateLayerList

source code

django.contrib.gis.db.models.Model --+        
               features.models.Feature --+    
                           UserUploadedKml --+

Note: This is just a wrapper to avoid breaking old code that relies on this class name

Nested Classes [hide private]
Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from UserUploadedKml: basename, kml, kml_full, kml_style, kml_style_id

Inherited from features.models.Feature: __repr__, __unicode__, add_to_collection, copy, get_absolute_url, hash, is_viewable, kml_safe, options, remove_from_collection, save, share_with, uid

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from UserUploadedKml: css

Inherited from features.models.Feature: get_options, model_uid

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from UserUploadedKml: description, kml_file

Inherited from features.models.Feature: collection, content_type, date_created, date_modified, name, object_id, objects, sharing_groups, user