Package madrona :: Package analysistools :: Module grass
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Source Code for Module madrona.analysistools.grass

  1  import re 
  2  import sys 
  3  import os 
  4  import time 
  5  import shutil 
  6  import subprocess 
  7  from madrona.common.utils import get_logger 
  8  log = get_logger() 
 10  DJANGO = True 
 11  try: 
 12      from django.conf import settings 
 13  except ImportError: 
 14      # not in a django env 
 15      DJANGO = False 
 18  ''' 
 19  Sets up a grass environment in the current running process.  Allows grass commands 
 20  to be run in a shell environment.  Optimally grass python bindings would be used in the 
 21  future once they become more stable and full-featured 
 23  Grass is not thread-safe, see 
 24  Because of this there can be issues with race conditions while working within 
 25  the same mapset with more than one process.  The solution is to create a new 
 26  mapset for each analysis run, copy the necessary maps into the new mapset, 
 27  run the analysis, and then remove the mapset when you're done.  
 29  @author: Tim Welch, Ecotrust 2009 
 30  @author: Matthew Perry, Ecotrust 2011 
 31  Concepts taken from the PyWPS project. 
 33  Example usage (django):  
 34      g = Grass('mlpa_sc') 
 35      result =' soilmoisture') 
 37      # Django Settings: 
 38      #    GRASS_GISBASE = '/usr/local/grass-6.4.1RC2' 
 39      #    GRASS_GISDBASE = '/home/grass' 
 41  Example usage (outside django): 
 42      g = Grass('mlpa_sc', gisdbase="/home/grass", gisbase="/usr/local/grass-6.4.1RC2") 
 43      result =' soilmoisture') 
 45  ''' 
46 47 48 -class Grass:
49 ''' 50 If being used to load the source mapset then tmpMapset should be None or False. 51 If you're running any commands with outputs, use tmpMapset=True (autogenerates 52 tmpMapset name) or specify a unique name. 53 autoclean=True/False determines if tmpMapset gets deleted at Grass.__del__() 54 gisdbase and gisbase should be set in django settings or overriden with kwargs 55 '''
56 - def __init__(self, location, srcMapset='PERMANENT', tmpMapset=True, 57 gisdbase=None, gisbase=None, autoclean=True):
58 self.autoclean = autoclean 59 self.verbose = False 60 61 self.location = location 62 if tmpMapset == True: 63 # unique name not specified, autogenerate it 64 self.tmpMapset = 'tmpmapset_%s_%s' % (srcMapset, str(time.time())) 65 elif tmpMapset: 66 self.tmpMapset = tmpMapset 67 self.srcMapset = srcMapset 68 self.templateMapset = 'mm_template_mapset' 69 70 if DJANGO and not gisdbase: 71 self.gisdbase = settings.GRASS_GISDBASE 72 else: 73 self.gisdbase = gisdbase 74 if DJANGO and not gisbase: 75 self.gisbase = settings.GRASS_GISBASE 76 else: 77 self.gisbase = gisbase 78 79 self.locationPath = os.path.join(self.gisdbase, self.location) #mlpa_nc 80 self.tmpMapsetPath = os.path.join(self.locationPath, self.tmpMapset) 81 self.srcMapsetPath = os.path.join(self.locationPath, self.srcMapset) #PERMANENT 82 self.templatePath = os.path.join(self.locationPath, self.templateMapset) #mm_template_mapset 83 84 if not tmpMapset: 85 self.curMapset = srcMapset 86 self.grassRcFile = os.path.join(gisdbase, "mm_grass6rc") 87 self.setupTmpGrassEnv(mktmp=False) 88 else: 89 self.curMapset = self.tmpMapset 90 self.grassRcFile = os.path.join(self.tmpMapsetPath, "mm_grass6rc") 91 self.setupTmpGrassEnv()
92 93 #Turn on verbose debug output 94 #self.runCmd('g.gisenv set=DEBUG=3') 95
96 - def __del__(self):
97 if self.autoclean: 98 self.cleanup()
100 - def __repr__(self):
101 if self.tmpMapset: 102 return u'Grass instance at temporary mapset %s (%s)' % (self.tmpMapset, self.gisdbase) 103 else: 104 return u'Grass instance at permanent mapset %s' % self.srcMapsetPath
105 106 @property
107 - def revision(self):
108 rev ='g.version -r') 109 for line in rev.split("\n"): 110 parts = line.split(":") 111 parts = [p.strip() for p in parts] 112 if parts[0].lower() == "revision": 113 return int(parts[1]) 114 return None
115 116 @property
117 - def grass_tmp(self):
118 try: 119 return settings.GRASS_TMP 120 except: 121 return '/tmp'
122 123 @property
124 - def grass_path(self):
125 try: 126 return settings.GRASS_PATH 127 except: 128 return '%(GRASS)s/bin:%(GRASS)s/scripts:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:' \ 129 '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin' % {'GRASS': self.gisbase}
130 131 @property
132 - def grass_version(self):
133 try: 134 return settings.GRASS_VERSION 135 except: 136 try: 137 return self.gisbase.split('-')[1].replace('/','') 138 except: 139 return "6.4.1"
140 141 @property
142 - def grass_lib_path(self):
143 try: 144 return settings.GRASS_LIB_PATH 145 except: 146 return '%s/lib' % self.gisbase
147 148 ''' 149 Setup grass environment to use a temporary mapset as the current mapset. 150 Base maps can be used from the src mapset as it will be in your 151 mapset path, but results will go to the temporary mapset. 152 grassenv settings are system specific. To get these values start a 153 grass shell and echo the environment variables to get the necessary 154 values. eg. >grass64 ; >echo $GISBASE 155 '''
156 - def setupTmpGrassEnv(self, mktmp=True):
157 grassenv = { 158 'HOME': self.grass_tmp, 159 'PATH': self.grass_path, 160 'GRASS_VERSION': self.grass_version, 161 'GISBASE': self.gisbase, 162 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': self.grass_lib_path, 163 'LOCATION_NAME': self.location, 164 'MAPSET': self.srcMapset, 165 'GISDBASE': self.gisdbase, 166 'GRASS_GUI': 'text', 167 'GIS_LOCK': str(os.getpid()), 168 'GISRC': self.grassRcFile 169 } 170 171 for key in grassenv.keys(): 172 self.setEnv(key, grassenv[key]) 173 174 #Create temporary space for current analysis run 175 if mktmp: 176 self.createTempMapset() 177 #Change to the directory with the RC file 178 os.chdir(self.locationPath) 179 #Output a new rc file, overwriting any old ones 180 self.writeGrassRc() 181 return grassenv
182 183 ''' 184 Create a temporary mapset 185 '''
186 - def createTempMapset(self):
187 if not os.path.exists(self.tmpMapsetPath): 188 if os.path.exists(self.templatePath): 189 # use template mapset directory if available 190 shutil.copytree(self.templatePath, self.tmpMapsetPath) 191 else: 192 # .. otherwise create the bare minimum file structure 193 os.mkdir(self.tmpMapsetPath) 194 shutil.copyfile( 195 os.path.join(self.srcMapsetPath, 'DEFAULT_WIND'), 196 os.path.join(self.tmpMapsetPath, 'DEFAULT_WIND')) 197 shutil.copyfile( 198 os.path.join(self.srcMapsetPath, 'WIND'), 199 os.path.join(self.tmpMapsetPath, 'WIND')) 200 myname = open(os.path.join(self.tmpMapsetPath, 'MYNAME'),'w') 201 myname.write(self.tmpMapset) 202 myname.close()
203 204 ''' 205 Cleanup disk such as temporary mapset 206 '''
207 - def cleanup(self):
208 if self.tmpMapset: 209 shutil.rmtree(self.tmpMapsetPath)
210 211 ''' 212 Output grassrc file used by Grass. Set to use the current mapset 213 '''
214 - def writeGrassRc(self):
215 gisrc = open(self.grassRcFile,"w") 216 gisrc.write("LOCATION_NAME: %s\n" % (self.location)) 217 gisrc.write("MAPSET: %s\n" % (self.curMapset)) 218 gisrc.write("DIGITIZER: none\n") 219 gisrc.write("GISDBASE: %s\n" % (self.gisdbase)) 220 gisrc.write("OVERWRITE: 1\n") 221 gisrc.write("GRASS_GUI: text\n") 222 gisrc.close() 223 os.environ['GISRC'] = self.grassRcFile
224 225 ''' 226 Set a single environment variable to the given value 227 '''
228 - def setEnv(self, key,value):
229 origValue = os.getenv(key) 230 #if origValue: 231 # value += ":"+origValue 232 os.putenv(key,value) 233 os.environ[key] = value 234 return
235 236 ''' 237 Returns the raster path for the current mapset 238 '''
239 - def getRastPath(self):
240 return self.gisdbase + self.location + '/' + self.curMapset + '/cell/'
242 - def run(self, cmd, nice=None):
243 if nice: 244 cmd = 'nice -n %d %s' % (nice,cmd) 245 if self.verbose: 246 log.debug(cmd) 247 proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, 248 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 249 stderr=subprocess.PIPE, 250 env=self.setupTmpGrassEnv(),) 251 out, err = proc.communicate() 252 returncode = proc.returncode 253 254 if returncode != 0: 255 raise Exception("\nCommand failed with return code %s: \n %s \n %s" % (returncode, cmd, err)) 256 elif err and self.verbose: 257 log.debug(err) 258 return out
259 260 ############ Shortcut Commands ############ 261 262 ''' 263 Copy a vector map from the base mapset to the temporary mapset 264 '''
265 - def copyMap(self, type, mapName):
266 command = "g.copy %s=%s@%s,%s" % (type, mapName, self.srcMapset, mapName) 267
268 269 ''' 270 Input a vector ogr datasource (input) and save as a grass vector map (output) 271 '''
272 - def v_in_ogr(self, input, output):
273 command = ' -o dsn=%s output=%s' % (input, output) 274
275 276 ''' 277 Input a raster ogr datasource (input) and save as a grass raster map (output) 278 '''
279 - def r_in_gdal(self, input, output):
280 command = ' -o input=%s output=%s' % (input, output) 281
282 283 ''' 284 Calculates the sum of all cell values where input is the map name 285 '''
286 - def r_sum(self, input):
287 value = 0.0 288 valueResult ='r.sum ' + input) 289 valueList = re.split('SUM = ', valueResult) 290 if len(valueList) > 0: 291 value = float(valueList[1]) 292 return value 293 else: 294 return None
295 296 ''' 297 Calculate the area of a given raster (positive value cells) where input is the name 298 of the map layer and cell_size is the width of each square cell in the raster 299 '''
300 - def r_area(self, input, cell_size):
301 #Change all value cells to 1 for counting 302 maskCmd = 'r.mapcalc "maskMap=if(%s, 1)"' % (input) 303, nice=1) 304 305 #Calculate total fishing area 306 area = 0.0 307 cells = 0 308 areaResult ='r.sum maskMap') 309 areaList = re.split('SUM = ', areaResult) 310 if len(areaList) > 0: 311 cells = float(areaList[1]) 312 area = self.__areaOfCells(cells, cell_size) 313 return (cells, area) 314 else: 315 return None
316 317 ''' 318 Intersect raster map m1 with m2, storing the cell value of m2 in the resulting raster 319 '''
320 - def r_intersect(self, result, m1, m2):
321 intersectCmd = 'r.mapcalc "%s=if(%s,%s)"' % (result, m1, m2) 322, nice=1)
323 324 ''' 325 Converts vMap a vector map, to rMap a raster map. Where vectors overlap, raster cells 326 are given the value of val 327 '''
328 - def v_to_r(self, vMap, rMap, val):
329 command = ' use=val value=%s in=%s out=%s' % (val, vMap, rMap) 330, nice=1)
331 332 ''' 333 Calculates area where numCells is the number of square cells composing the area 334 and cell_size is the width of the square cell 335 '''
336 - def __areaOfCells(self, numCells, cell_size):
337 return numCells * (cell_size * cell_size)
338 339 ''' 340 Removes a grass map layer where type is the layer type 'vect' or 'rast' and layers 341 is the name of the map layer 342 '''
343 - def g_remove(self, type, layer):
344 command = 'g.remove %s=%s' % (type,layer) 345
346 347 ''' 348 returns a dict of available raster and vector datasets as a python list 349 '''
350 - def list(self):
351 cmd = 'g.mlist type=rast' 352 rasts = 353 cmd = 'g.mlist type=vect' 354 vects = 355 return {'rast': rasts.split(), 'vect': vects.split()}