Default Settings ================ Default settings can be found under madrona/common/ Include it **at the top** of your project's file like so to simplify setup:: from madrona.common.default_settings import * Once these settings are included you can override them in the projects or file. Madrona Settings ------------------ .. _SUPEROVERLAY_ROOT: ``SUPEROVERLAY_ROOT`` Directory path containing access-restricted/private superoverlay kmls. .. _LOG_FILE: ``LOG_FILE`` Location of the madrona log file output. Used for debugging. Defaults to `/tmp/madrona.log` .. _GEOMETRY_DB_SRID: ``GEOMETRY_DB_SRID`` Defines the projection that will be used for storing data in the database. Default is California teale albers, you will likely want to change it. .. _GEOMETRY_CLIENT_SRID: ``GEOMETRY_CLIENT_SRID`` Defines the projection that is produced and consumed by the client. The default is 4326, compatible with the Google Earth Plugin. .. _GOOGLE_API_KEY: ``GOOGLE_API_KEY`` Default key works for localhost:8080. Obtain new keys from `Google `_ .. _GROUP_REQUEST_EMAIL: ``GROUP_REQUEST_EMAIL`` When user requests group membership, send email to this address (``None`` = no email sent) .. _GROUP_REGISTERED_BY_WEB: ``GROUP_REGISTERED_BY_WEB`` Group name assigned to users who register using the web interface. Defaults to 'registered_by_web' .. _ENFORCE_SUPPORTED_BROWSER: ``ENFORCE_SUPPORTED_BROWSER`` Boolean. Should the view check the user agent string to ensure a valid browser? Default is ``True``. .. _KML_SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE: ``KML_SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE`` Tolerance argument to the postgis simplify command used when generating viewable KMLs. Defaults to ``20``. .. _KML_EXTRUDE_HEIGHT: ``KML_EXTRUDE_HEIGHT`` KML output is extruded to produce 3D shapes; This setting determines the height in meters. Defaults to ``100``. .. _KML_ALTITUDEMODE_DEFAULT: ``KML_ALTITUDEMODE_DEFAULT`` Sets the default KML altitudeMode (usually one of: `absolute`, `clampToGround`, `relativeToGround`). .. _SHARING_TO_PUBLIC_GROUPS: ``SHARING_TO_PUBLIC_GROUPS`` List of groups which have the ability to make arrays publically viewable. Defaults to ``['Share with Public']`` .. _SHARING_TO_STAFF_GROUPS: ``SHARING_TO_STAFF_GROUPS`` List of groups which have the ability to submit mpas/arrays to staff for approval. Defaults to ``['Share with Staff']`` .. _SCREENCASTS: ``SCREENCASTS`` Directory to store screencast movies .. _SCREENCAST_IMAGES: ``SCREENCAST_IMAGES`` Directory to store thumbnails and other supporting images for screencasts .. _VIDEO_PLAYER: ``VIDEO_PLAYER`` Path to .swf flash video player for streaming screencast videos .. _RASTER_DIR: ``RASTER_DIR`` Absolute filepath to a directory containing raster files. Used with the `madrona.raster_stats` app. (Optional; defaults to `madrona/raster_stats/test_data`) .. _STARSPAN_BIN: ``STARSPAN_BIN`` Location of the starspan executable. Used with the `madrona.raster_stats` app. (Optional; defaults to `starspan`) .. _HELP_EMAIL: ``HELP_EMAIL`` Email address used in templates for users to contact in case of problems. defaults to .. _APP_NAME: ``APP_NAME`` Name of the application to be used in templates as the title. defaults to 'Madrona' 3rd Party App Settings ---------------------- .. _ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS: ``ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS`` How many days do new users have to activate their account once they've registered. Default is ``7`` days. .. _REGISTRATION_OPEN: ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` Boolean. Can users register themselves or not? Default is ``True``. .. _COMPRESS: ``COMPRESS_CSS``, ``COMPRESS_JS``, ``COMPRESS_VERSION``, ``COMPRESS_AUTO`` The `django-compress `_ app is setup to compress css and js assets described in ``media/css_includes.xml`` and ``media/js_includes.xml`` .. _GOOGLE_ANALYTICS: ``GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_MODEL`` The ` `_ app (with alterations made to and allows for managing of Google Analytics accounts from the Django admin page. .. _BASE_DIR: ``BASE_DIR`` Provides the path to the project codebase. .. _OPENID_ENABLED: ``OPENID_ENABLED`` Boolean. Determines whether to expose OpenID authentication. False implies local user/pass authentication only. Defaults to False. .. _WSGI_USER: ``WSGI_USER`` Username of the UNIX/system user which runs the wsgi process. This has implications for the ownership of the MEDIA_ROOT directory as it needs to be writeable by the WSGI process. Setting WSGI_USER will cause the install_media command to chown the MEDIA_ROOT directory to this user. Defaults to None. Django Settings --------------- .. _MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` Is defined in ```` to include GZIP and Auth middleware by default. .. _INSTALLED_APPS: ``INSTALLED_APPS`` Contains all madrona apps and contrib.auth, contenttypes and other django apps critical to madrona functionality. Add new apps in your settings like so:: INSTALLED_APPS += ( '', ) .. _MEDIA_ROOT: ``MEDIA_ROOT`` Set to a default relative to trunk/media .. _MEDIA_URL: ``MEDIA_URL`` This should be a full absolute path to the media directory (e.g. ""). Defaults to /media/; application will work with a relative path but there may be some minor js errors to contend with. .. _LOGIN_URL: ``LOGIN_URL`` set to /login/ .. _LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL: ``LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL`` Set to the map view. (Either ``/`` or ``/map/`` depending on the ``LAUNCH_PAGE`` setting. .. _LAUNCH_PAGE: ``LAUNCH_PAGE`` Boolean to determine if the root url is a launch page. Default is False meaning ``/`` points directly to the map view. .. _CACHES: ``CACHES`` see the `django docs `_ for details on cache setup. defaults to local memory caching. .. Full settings list ------------------- Below is a complete list of settings for the test project:: ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS = 7 ### APP_NAME = 'Madrona' ### ASYNC_IS_DISABLED = False ### AWS_USE_S3_MEDIA = False ### BASE_DIR = '/usr/local/src/madrona/examples/test_project' ### BOOKMARK_ANON_LIMIT = (100, datetime.timedelta(0, 1800)) ### BOOKMARK_ANON_USERNAME = 'anonymous_bookmark_user' ### BOOKMARK_FEATURE = False ### BROKER_BACKEND = 'djkombu.transport.DatabaseTransport' ### CACHES = {'default': {'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache'}} CARROT_BACKEND = 'django' ### CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'database' ### CELERY_TRACK_STARTED = True ### COMPRESS_AUTO = True ### COMPRESS_CSS = {'application': {'source_filenames': ['closure/assets/common.css', 'closure/assets/menus.css', 'closure/assets/menubutton.css', 'closure/assets/toolbar.css', 'common/css/typography.css', 'common/css/application.css', 'common/css/tabs.css', 'common/css/layout.css', 'common/css/menu_items.css', 'common/css/buttons.css', 'common/css/forms.css', 'common/css/closure-fixes.css', 'common/css/table.css', 'geographic_report/css/geographic_report.css', 'common/css/jquery-widgets.css', 'bookmarks/css/bookmarks.css'], 'extra_context': {'media': 'all'}, 'output_filename': 'common/css/madrona.r?.css'}} ### COMPRESS_JS = {'application': {'source_filenames': ['common/js/lib/extensions.js', 'common/js/lib/jquery.form.js', 'common/js/jquery/jquery.selText.js', 'common/js/madrona.js', 'common/js/lib/tmpl.js', 'common/js/lib/smartresize.js', 'common/js/lib/ge_utility_lib_patches.js', 'common/js/lib/raphael-js/raphael.js', 'common/js/lib/raphael_ext.js', 'common/js/tools/measure_tool.js', 'common/js/layout/layout.js', 'common/js/layout/panel.js', 'common/js/layout/shortTextArea.js', 'common/js/layout/menu_items.js', 'common/js/map/map.js', 'common/js/map/googleLayers.js', 'common/js/map/geocoder.js', 'common/js/lib/json2.js', 'common/js/jquery/jquery.ui.slider.js', 'common/js/jquery/jquery-callback-1.2.js', 'common/js/jquery/jquery.localscroll-1.2.7-min.js', 'common/js/jquery/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min.js', 'common/js/tools/formats.js', 'manipulators/js/manipulators.js', 'common/js/graphics.js', 'common/js/ui/table.js', 'geographic_report/js/geographicReport.js', 'features/features.js', 'features/js/workspace.js', 'features/js/kmlEditor.js', 'bookmarks/js/bookmarks.js'], 'output_filename': 'madrona.r?.js'}, 'tests': {'source_filenames': ['common/js/test/lib/tmpl.js', 'common/js/test/lib/ge_utility_lib_patches.js', 'common/js/test/tools/measure_tool.js', 'common/js/test/layout/panel.js', 'common/js/test/map/googleLayers.js', 'common/js/test/map/geocoder.js', 'manipulators/js/test/manipulators.js'], 'output_filename': 'madrona_tests.r?.js'}} ### COMPRESS_VERSION = True ### DATABASES = {'default': {'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis', 'TEST_MIRROR': None, 'NAME': 'test_project', 'TEST_CHARSET': None, 'TIME_ZONE': 'America/Vancouver', 'TEST_COLLATION': None, 'PORT': '', 'HOST': '', 'USER': 'postgres', 'TEST_NAME': None, 'PASSWORD': '', 'OPTIONS': {}}} DEBUG = True DISPLAY_AREA_UNITS = 'sq_mi' ### DISPLAY_LENGTH_UNITS = 'mi' ### ENFORCE_SUPPORTED_BROWSER = True ### EXCLUDE_FROM_TESTS = ['south', 'registration', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.gis'] ### GEOMETRY_CLIENT_SRID = 4326 ### GEOMETRY_DB_SRID = 3310 ### GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_MODEL = True ### GOOGLE_API_KEY = 'ABQIAAAAu2dobIiH7nisivwmaz2gDhT2yXp_ZAY8_ufC3CFXhHIE1NvwkxSLaQmJjJuOq03hTEjc-cNV8eegYg' ### GROUP_REGISTERED_BY_WEB = 'registered_by_web' ### GROUP_REQUEST_EMAIL = None ### HELP_EMAIL = '' ### INSTALLED_APPS = ('madrona.common', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.gis', 'compress', 'madrona.shapes', '', 'madrona.layers', 'madrona.studyregion', 'madrona.simplefaq', '', 'madrona.staticmap', 'madrona.screencasts', '', 'madrona.manipulators', 'madrona.kmlapp', 'madrona.features', 'madrona.user_profile', 'madrona.unit_converter', 'madrona.openid', 'madrona.async', 'madrona.loadshp', 'madrona.bookmarks', 'registration', 'south', 'djcelery', 'djkombu', 'madrona.raster_stats', 'madrona.heatmap', 'madrona.analysistools', 'madrona.xyquery', 'madrona.group_management', 'mlpa') KML_ALTITUDEMODE_DEFAULT = 'absolute' ### KML_EXTRUDE_HEIGHT = 700 ### KML_SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE = 20 ### KML_SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE_DEGREES = 0.0002 ### LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/' LOGIN_URL = '/accounts/signin/' LOG_FILE = None ### MEDIA_ROOT = '/usr/local/src/madrona/examples/test_project/mediaroot' MEDIA_URL = '/media/' MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ('django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'madrona.common.middleware.IgnoreCsrfMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware', 'madrona.openid.middleware.OpenIDMiddleware') OPENID_ENABLED = False ### POSTGIS_TEMPLATE = 'template1' ### PRIVATE_KML_ROOT = '/mnt/EBS_superoverlays/display' ### REGISTRATION_OPEN = True ### ROOT_URLCONF = 'test_project.urls' ### SCREENCASTS = 'screencasts/' ### SCREENCAST_IMAGES = 'screencasts/images' ### SECRET_KEY = '=knpq2es_kedoi-j1es=$o02nc*v$^=^8zs*&s@@nij@zev%m2' SETTINGS_MODULE = 'test_project.settings' ### SHARING_TO_PUBLIC_GROUPS = ['Share with Public'] ### SHARING_TO_STAFF_GROUPS = ['Share with Staff'] ### SITE_ID = 1 ### SKIP_SOUTH_TESTS = True ### SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE = False ### STARSPAN_BIN = 'starspan' ### STATICMAP_AUTOZOOM = True ### STATIC_URL = '/media/admin/' TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ('django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.core.context_processors.debug', 'django.core.context_processors.i18n', '', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', 'django.core.context_processors.request', 'madrona.openid.context_processors.authopenid') TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DIRS = ('/usr/local/src/madrona/examples/test_project/templates',) TIME_ZONE = 'America/Vancouver' TITLES = {'self': 'View'} ### USER_DATA_ROOT = '/mnt/EBS_userdatalayers/display' ### VIDEO_PLAYER = '/media/screencasts/video_player/player-viral.swf' ### WAVE_ID = '!q43w5q3w45taesrfgs' ###