.. _openid: ``madrona.openid`` - Authentication System ============================================ Overview ******** Madrona instances require local accounts for all users. By default, logging on requires nothing more than supplying the username and password for the local account. To use a single logon for mutliple madrona instances, you can optionally turn on `OpenID `_ consumer support. This allows you to use a third-party openid provider to authenticate. Once your identity is verified by the OpenID Identity Provider, you can associate that openid with a local account. When you have multiple madrona accounts, all associated with a single openid, you get the benefits of app-to-app communication (TBD). Decision Chart *************** Rough overview of the login workflow: .. image:: newauth2.png Underlying Implementation ************************* The `madrona.openid` app is a fork of the `django-authopenid `_ project. `django-authopenid` provided a good starting point for an openid consumer integrated with django auth, registration and legacy auth. Unfortunately it was no longer being maintained and required updates and customization - hence the fork. Configuration ************** You can use the `OPENID_ENABLED` setting to turn on/off the OpenID Login. The default is `False` or local "legacy" authentication system only. Setting to `True` enables openid features on the signin and user profile screens.