``madrona.installer`` - Installer App ===================================== This app contains several scripts (and eventually a full web-based bootstrapping system) all aimed at automating some common tasks and getting users started quickly. Install Madrona and requirements into a virtualenv:: cd /usr/local/sites mkdir newsite && cd newsite virtualenv env source env/bin/activate pip install madrona Create a db:: sudo su postgres createuser dbuser -s -P exit createdb -U dbuser -h localhost -W newsite # For postgres 9.1 and postgis 2.0 (for older versions, see the postgis docs) psql -d newsite -h localhost -U dbuser -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;" Start your madrona-based project:: create-madrona-project.py -p myproject -a myapp -d myproject.example.com \ -c "host='localhost' user='dbuser' password='secret' dbname='newsite'" cd myproject python manage.py runserver